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[Round Last Man Standing] Domande & Commenti


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Utilizziamo questo thread per le domande e commenti sui round Last Man Standing.​

  • Produzione risorse: 1x
  • Protezione principiante: 10 minuti
  • Paladino: No
  • Archi: Disattivo
  • Chiesa: Disattivo
  • Torre di guardia: Disattivo
  • Ricerche: Semplici
  • Nobili: Monete d'oro
  • Diminuzione lealtà: 20 - 35
  • Distanza massima nobili: 1000 campi
  • Impedisci conquista villaggi barbari: Attivo
  • Limite finte (%pop): 0 %
  • Limite saccheggi (Units/lvl): 0
  • Villaggi barbari: 5 per giocatore
  • Villaggi bonus: 5 per giocatore
  • Velocità di crescita dei villaggi barbari: 1
  • Limite crescita villaggi barbari: 3000 punti
  • Spazio tra i villaggi: ridotto
  • Numero massimo membri tribù: 1
  • Tribù bloccate: Disattivo
  • Blocco supporti esterni: Semplice, al lancio
  • NO attacchi alleati: Attivo
  • No è possibile unirsi alle tribù: Disattivo
  • Rincomincia dopo essere conquistato: Disattivo
  • Account manager: Attivo
  • Assistente farm: Attivo
  • Gap tra gli attacchi: 100 ms
Ultima modifica:
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I think this round had the classic noob protections (ratio protection + moral), i would remove those to not make it so boring
Also, I would lower the beginner protection to like 7-8 minutes instead, like that players can react and attack the players surrounding them on the map without a noble train, or if they have a noble train it is because they farmed well and deserved it, with the current settings you can get a noble train fairly early and then you just wait for the protection to end to be able to attack players, and you can't really react to attacks besides by sniping

That's all i would change from this round, this model is pretty cool and gives players who prefer high starts + constant fighting what they ask for.


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I think this round had the classic noob protections (ratio protection + moral), i would remove those to not make it so boring
Also, I would lower the beginner protection to like 7-8 minutes instead, like that players can react and attack the players surrounding them on the map without a noble train, or if they have a noble train it is because they farmed well and deserved it, with the current settings you can get a noble train fairly early and then you just wait for the protection to end to be able to attack players, and you can't really react to attacks besides by sniping

That's all i would change from this round, this model is pretty cool and gives players who prefer high starts + constant fighting what they ask for.

You are wrong this time!!!! ratio protection and moral eliminated XD

Beginner protection just set to 10 minutes instead of 20!

Thx as always!
Ultima modifica:
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Lets spice this winning condition up
I'm seeing in the current round that there are 3 players teaming up.

I would keep the 100 premium prize, but if someone has 1/3rd of the points of the top1, i would make it only 20 premium instead (this can be monitored manually as its just points)
Like that it is a good incentive for it to be an actual last man standing round instead of a team without tribe round.

Mega Farm

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#4692 Last Man Standing 12/07/2022 15:00​

Attivare i risultati, abbassare la protezione principianti a 10 minuti come suggerito sopra
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