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Eventi Speed Torneo SPEED di Natale


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Torneo di Natale

Salve Community,

il oggi vi presentiamo il Torneo di Natale!​
Abbiamo preparato dei Round di 2-3 ore no stop a partire dalle 00:00 del 1 dicembre fino alle 23:59 del 30 dicembre.​
Si, hai capito bene: si tratta del Torneo Speed di Tribals più lungo di sempre!​
Il Torneo è diviso in tre fasce orarie (mattina/pomeriggio/sera-notte), e i vincitori saranno tre giocatori per ogni categoria: per vincere si dovrà ottenere il punteggio più alto!​
Esempio: @strega60 partecipa solo ai Round della Fascia 1 (mattina), vincendone la maggior parte: lei quindi otterrà i premi per la prima posizione della Fascia 1.


  • Al Torneo può partecipare chiunque. Anche se l'utenza può proporre delle Squadre, il Team premierà solo i players che hanno soddisfatto i requisiti indicati sotto;
  • Vincono i giocatori con più punti: si riceve un punto per ogni vittoria in un Round. La somma dei Round (per categoria) darà la classifica finale;
  • Ricevere un ban comporta l'esclusione dal calcolo delle classifiche;
  • NON è obbligatorio partecipare a tutti i Round: un utente può vincere alcuni Round e non giocarne altri senza problemi;
  • Saranno consentiti solo script approvati sul .net e sull'.it;
Impostazioni Round:

Le impostazioni dei Round le potete trovare qua: Click


Montepremi: 3000PP più vari items ottenibili in ogni mondo di gioco ad eccezione del w82.​

I premi si divideranno allo stesso modo tra le varie categorie:​
  • Primo posto: 1500 PP 1 Bonus Bandiera + 1 Appoggio di Guerra + 1 Progresso Forzato + 1 Impegno di Guerra + Buone Connessioni;
  • Secondo posto: 500 1 Bonus Bandiera + 1 Bonus Attacco + 1 Rinforzo Difensivo + 1 Impegno di Guerra + 1 Lavoratori Effettivi;
  • Terzo posto: 300 1 Progresso Forzato + 1 Bonus danno catapulte + A scelta un Bonus Difensivo (Bonus Difesa, Bonus Cavalleria Pesante, Strutture Fortificate) o Bonus Offensivo (tra Bonus Ascia e Bonus Catapulta).
  • Quarto posto: 100PP
  • Quinto posto: 100PP
  • Sesto posto: 100PP
  • Settimo posto: 100PP
  • Ottavo posto: 100PP
  • Nono posto: 100PP
  • Decimo posto: 100PP

per tutti i giocatori che parteciperanno, ecco il canale ufficiale Discord per il Torneo:​

Facci sapere la tua opinione qua sotto!

Il Team di Tribals


Numero di reazioni
se starta ragga, il natale me lo voglio fare con lui, magari fa anche da founder per non farci mancare nulla
Numero di reazioni
#8622 tiebreaker - total OD (as per rules stated in the information topic)
#8675 victory condition is top1 tribe... there... is... no... tribes..... i dont know why no one created one, but no one gets a point
#8677 the round is very clear, playing as a team is not allowed. the top 3 clearly played together. no one gets a point, and in my opinion, 1 point should be removed from all for this, but i'll leave that for @CC510

updated day 08/12 06:27am

Fascia 1
Buldok20088 - 6
-RoyalFlush- 2
Bumblebee - 1
Lanciere96 - 1
ivan - 1
misskleopatra - 1
ch4b0b4b0 - 1

Fascia 2
Lanciere96 - 3
kakashi.ro - 2
@Laptop-Freak - 1
@duck that quacks -1
Milomilon - 1
enigmista1990 - 1
Finis Amarum. - 1
.Chris* - 1
Bulldok20088 - 1
moli22 - 1

Fascia 3
misskleopatra - 4
Buldok20088 - 2
Matei03 - 2
-Freedom - 2
Milomilon - 1
kakashi.ro - 1
-372 - 1
Bumblebee - 1
Ultima modifica:


Senior Supporter di Gioco
Team di supporto
Numero di reazioni


Numero di reazioni
Shh era per duck che l ho battuto sul tempo

Comunque grazie per le delucidazioni
Ultima modifica:
Numero di reazioni
updated day 11/12 23:16
#8622 tiebreaker - total OD (as per rules stated in the information topic)
#8675 victory condition is top1 tribe... there... is... no... tribes..... i dont know why no one created one, but no one gets a point
#8677 the round is very clear, playing as a team is not allowed. the top 3 clearly played together. no one gets a point, and in my opinion, 1 point should be removed from all for this, but i'll leave that for @CC510
#8691 victory condition does not make sense. 1 point added to #1 points
#8763 no points given, same as 8677

Fascia 1
Buldok20088 - 8
-RoyalFlush- 3
x D ? - 2
Lanciere96 - 2
Bumblebee - 1
ivan - 1
misskleopatra - 1
@Laptop-Freak - 1
ch4b0b4b0 - 1
*Chris* - 1

Fascia 2
Bulldok20088 - 4
Lanciere96 - 3
kakashi.ro - 3
@Laptop-Freak - 2
@duck that quacks -1
-RoyalFlush- 1
Milomilon - 1
enigmista1990 - 1
Finis Amarum. - 1
.Chris* - 1
moli22 - 1
x D ? - 1

Fascia 3
misskleopatra - 5
Buldok20088 - 3
kakashi.ro - 3
Matei03 - 2
-Freedom - 2
Milomilon - 2
-RoyalFlush- 2
-372 - 1
Bumblebee - 1
Finis Amarum. - 1
Numero di reazioni
updated day 19/12 02:41
#8622 tiebreaker - total OD (as per rules stated in the information topic)
#8675 victory condition is top1 tribe... there... is... no... tribes..... i dont know why no one created one, but no one gets a point
#8677 the round is very clear, playing as a team is not allowed. the top 3 clearly played together. no one gets a point, and in my opinion, 1 point should be removed from all for this, but i'll leave that for @CC510
#8691 victory condition does not make sense. 1 point added to #1 points
#8763 no points given, same as 8677

Fascia 1
Buldok20088 - 15
misskleopatra - 4
-RoyalFlush- 3
x D ? - 3
Lanciere96 - 3
@Laptop-Freak - 2
*Chris* - 2
Bumblebee - 1
ivan - 1
blackfive - 1
ch4b0b4b0 - 1
Angy2000 - 1

Fascia 2
Bulldok20088 - 7
Lanciere96 - 8
kakashi.ro - 3
-RoyalFlush- 3
@Laptop-Freak - 2
Matei03 - 2
@duck that quacks -1
Milomilon - 1
misskleopatra - 1
Dio belga - 1
enigmista1990 - 1
Bumblebee - 1
Finis Amarum. - 1
.Chris* - 1
moli22 - 1
x D ? - 1

Fascia 3
misskleopatra - 7
Buldok20088 - 6
-RoyalFlush- 4
Matei03 - 4
kakashi.ro - 3
-Freedom - 2
Milomilon - 2
-372 - 1
Dj Clown - 1
kekko111 - 1
Bomber Moscardelli - 1
Maarten9595 - 1
Bumblebee - 1
Finis Amarum. - 1
Numero di reazioni
updated day 22/12 23:09
#8622 tiebreaker - total OD (as per rules stated in the information topic)
#8675 victory condition is top1 tribe... there... is... no... tribes..... i dont know why no one created one, but no one gets a point
#8677 the round is very clear, playing as a team is not allowed. the top 3 clearly played together. no one gets a point, and in my opinion, 1 point should be removed from all for this, but i'll leave that for @CC510
#8691 victory condition does not make sense. 1 point added to #1 points
#8763 no points given, same as 8677
#8779 there is a tie in village count which is the win condition. as per the rules of the server, tiebreaker is total OD, so point is given to lanciere
#8781 the win condition doesn't make sense, there is no way to conquer more villages, so obviously the winner is top1 points

Fascia 1
Buldok20088 - 18
misskleopatra - 4
*Chris* - 4
Lanciere96 - 4
-RoyalFlush- 3
x D ? - 3
@Laptop-Freak - 2
Bumblebee - 1
ivan - 1
blackfive - 1
ForDuah - 1
King ZanZi - 1
ch4b0b4b0 - 1
Angy2000 - 1

Fascia 2
Lanciere96 - 10
Bulldok20088 - 8
kakashi.ro - 3
-RoyalFlush- 3
@Laptop-Freak - 2
Matei03 - 2
@duck that quacks -1
-Freedom Is King* - 1
Milomilon - 1
misskleopatra - 1
Dio belga - 1
enigmista1990 - 1
Bumblebee - 1
Daras - 1
azertyuiop - 1
Finis Amarum. - 1
kaczkarr - 1
.Chris* - 1
moli22 - 1
Vatra Moldovitei - 1
x D ? - 1

Fascia 3
misskleopatra - 8
Buldok20088 - 7
-RoyalFlush- 4
Matei03 - 4
kakashi.ro - 3
Milomilon - 3
-Freedom - 2
Bomber Moscardelli - 2
-372 - 1
Dj Clown - 1
SpangLee* - 1
Backpaddl - 1
kekko111 - 1
Maarten9595 - 1
-Freedom Is King* - 1
Bumblebee - 1
Finis Amarum. - 1
sammuu - 1
Numero di reazioni
Final points

#8622 tiebreaker - total OD (as per rules stated in the information topic)
#8675 victory condition is top1 tribe... there... is... no... tribes..... i dont know why no one created one, but no one gets a point
#8677 the round is very clear, playing as a team is not allowed. the top 3 clearly played together. no one gets a point, and in my opinion, 1 point should be removed from all for this, but i'll leave that for @CC510
#8691 victory condition does not make sense. 1 point added to #1 points
#8763 no points given, same as 8677
#8779 there is a tie in village count which is the win condition. as per the rules of the server, tiebreaker is total OD, so point is given to lanciere
#8781 the win condition doesn't make sense, there is no way to conquer more villages, so obviously the winner is top1 points
#8787 the victory condition is top1 villages for some reason, this is obviously not correct for this kind of round so i considered top1 points
#8867 and #8868 were fascia 3 rounds but said 2 in the title for some reason. I still considered them as F3.
#8722 victory condition being #1 villages does not make much sense since its 1h n1. in any way, both considering OD tiebreaker or points tiebreaker the winner would be the same so i considered that to be the winner

Fascia 1
Buldok20088 - 20
Lanciere96 - 5
Bumblebee - 5
misskleopatra - 4
*Chris* - 4
-RoyalFlush- 3
x D ? - 3
@Laptop-Freak - 2
ivan - 1
blackfive - 1
Related - 1
ForDuah - 1
NangaParbat - 1
@ShArK - 1
SpangLee* - 1
King ZanZi - 1
ch4b0b4b0 - 1
Angy2000 - 1

Fascia 2
Bulldok20088 - 12
Lanciere96 - 11
kakashi.ro - 3
-RoyalFlush- 3
-Freedom Is King* - 3
@Laptop-Freak - 2
Matei03 - 2
Dragon6044 - 2
@duck that quacks -1
Milomilon - 1
pierfreccia - 1
TheInfluencer777 - 1
misskleopatra - 1
Dio belga - 1
@ShArK - 1
enigmista1990 - 1
Bumblebee - 1
Daras - 1
azertyuiop - 1
Finis Amarum. - 1
kaczkarr - 1
.Chris* - 1
moli22 - 1
Vatra Moldovitei - 1
x D ? - 1

Fascia 3
misskleopatra - 9
Buldok20088 - 9
-RoyalFlush- 4
Matei03 - 4
Milomilon - 4
kakashi.ro - 3
Bomber Moscardelli - 3
-Freedom - 2
Miregal - 2
Lanciere96 - 1
-372 - 1
Dj Clown - 1
SpangLee* - 1
Aladin - 1
Backpaddl - 1
kekko111 - 1
SDSZocker95 - 1
Dragon6044 - 1
Maarten9595 - 1
-Freedom Is King* - 1
Bumblebee - 1
Finis Amarum. - 1
sammuu - 1
Numero di reazioni
Fascia 1​
Fascia 2​
Fascia 3​
Prize (ignoring items)​
1st placeBuldok20088 - 20 winsBuldok20088 - 12 winsmisskleopatra; Buldok20088 - 9 wins
2nd placeLanciere96; Bumblebee - 5 winsLanciere96 - 11 wins
-RoyalFlush-; Matei03; Milomilon - 4 wins​
3rd place*Chris*; misskleopatra - 4 winskakashi.ro; -RoyalFlush.-; -Freedom Is King* - 3 wins
kakashi.ro; Bomber Moscardelli - 3 wins​
4th place-RoyalFlush-; x D ? - 3 wins@Laptop-Freak ; Matei03; Dragon6044 - 2 wins
-Freedom; Miregal - 2 wins​
5th place@Laptop-Freak - 2 winseveryone else - 1 win
everyone else - 1 win​
6th placeeveryone else - 1 win

@CC510 being extremely nice and giving a ton of prizes now presents a bigger problem -> how do we handle the tiebreakers?

Prizes without tiebreaker, that can be claimed already by opening ticket and mentioning this topic:
, 3000pp (2x1st place, fascia 1 and 2) and the items but i assume he doesn't want the items since items are for worlds and he only plays speed xD
Lanciere96, 500pp (2nd place fascia 2)
@Laptop-Freak , 100pp (5th place fascia 1)

If some of your prizes are not mentioned above, it is because they are apart of a tiebreaker, so they cannot be claimed yet. The way the tiebreaker will be handled has to be decided by CC (i propose how to below, but CC has to be the one confirming how it is going to be handled)

@CC510 What I propose to solve tiebreakers:
Just give the standard prize, the one that appears in front of the table... Makes things easier for you, and in any way not everyone is gonna claim it (most wont for sure)
(except for fascia 3, 1500pp x2 is too much, i would give half to both of the winners, so 750, but can also split in 2 or 3 the prizes of 2nd and 3rd place, idk man too many people)
Ultima modifica:


Senior Supporter di Gioco
Team di supporto
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Vi ricordiamo che per richiedere i premi del torneo è obbligatorio aprire un ticket

Grazie <3


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