• - -

Script Player inattivi

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Senior Supporter - Non sono Lion è LEON!
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ciao chido un aiutino xD

allroa fino a poco fa funzionava benissimo^^

2 or more days:

ora invece mi esce così:
7 or more days:

come mai???:confused:


Ciao leonhart89,

ogni tanto succede questo per colpa del server, piccoli bugs, problemi col browser ecc...

Prova a riavviare il browser, se non funzionerá lo stesso prova a usare un altro browser, poi se non funzionerá scrivi mi e vediamo dové il problema...

P.S. incolla mi qua lo script che hai usato...



Senior Supporter - Non sono Lion è LEON!
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Allora lo script è questo:
javascript: doc = (window.frames.length > 0) ? window.main.document: document; curr_date = doc.getElementById("serverDate").firstChild.nodeValue; curr_time = doc.getElementById("serverTime").firstChild.nodeValue; function add_dismiss(message) {rows.innerHTML += '<td><a href="javascript: radbut = rows[' + i +'].getElementsByTagName(\'td\')[0].getElementsByTagName(\'input\')[1];radbut.checked = true;var selbox = rows[rows.length - 1].getElementsByTagName(\'select\')[0];selbox.options[2].selected = true; var confirm_booting = prompt(\''+message+'\'); if(confirm_booting){alert(\'Booting player as requested\'); doc.forms[0].submit(\'OK\');} else {alert(\'Good thing I included a confirmation huh?\');} void 0;">Give Player Teh Boot!</a></td>'; } if (doc.URL.match("screen=ally&mode=members")) {var rows = doc.getElementById("ally_content").getElementsByTagName("table")[0].getElementsByTagName("tr"); var Tribe = doc.getElementById("content_value").getElementsByTagName("h2")[0].firstChild.nodeValue; var output = 'The below players are being account sat\n\n\n'; var good = ' Of the below players, these players are adhering to the no outside sitters policy.\n\n'; var g = 0; var n = 0; var a = 0; var naughty = ' Of the players on this list, the following have outside sitters.\n\n'; var inactive = 'The following players are showing as inactive,\n\n\n'; var inactive2 = '2 or more days:\n'; var inactive7 = '7 or more days:\n'; for (i = 1;i < rows.length - 1;i++) {cell = rows.getElementsByTagName("td"); player = cell[0].getElementsByTagName('a')[0].firstChild.nodeValue; if (cell[0].getElementsByTagName("img")[0].getAttribute('src').match("yellow")) {inactive2 +="
[player]" + player +"[/player]"; add_dismiss("Player is only reporting YELLOW, are you absolutely sure?"); a++; } if (cell[0].getElementsByTagName("img")[0].getAttribute('src').match("red")) {inactive7 +="
[player]" + player +"[/player]"; add_dismiss("Player is RED, do you want to dismiss?"); a++; } if (cell[12].firstChild !== null) {sitter = cell[12].getElementsByTagName("a")[0].innerHTML; STribe = cell[12].getElementsByTagName('a')[0].getAttribute('alt'); if (Tribe == STribe) {good +="
[player]" + player + "[/player] is being sat by, [player]" + sitter +"[/player]" + "\n"; g++; } else if (Tribe !== STribe) {naughty +="
[player]"+ player + "[/player] is being sat by, [player]" + sitter +"[/player], who is from
" + STribe + "
\n"; n++; } } } if (a == 0) {inactive = "\n\nYour tribe has 100% member activity"; } else {inactive = inactive + inactive2 + "\n\n" + inactive7; } if (g > 0) {good = good + "\n\n\n\n"; output = output + good; if (n > 0) {output = output + naughty; } } else if (n > 0) {output = output + naughty; } else {output = "There are currently no sat accounts"; } alert(output + inactive + "\n\nInformation valid as at " + curr_time + " - " + curr_date); } void(0);

ho provato anche con un'altro browser stesso problema....

ho notato questo...nel vecchio post che avevo fatto il link dell'immagine dei pallini rosso in questo caso è questo:
(logicamente all'interno della stringa

nel nuovo l'ultimo fatto che NON funziona questo:

può essere questa la causa???


Adesso dovrebbe funzionare, prova:

javascript: doc = (window.frames.length > 0) ? window.main.document : document; curr_date = doc.getElementById("serverDate").firstChild.nodeValue; curr_time = doc.getElementById("serverTime").firstChild.nodeValue; function add_dismiss(message) { rows.innerHTML += '<td><a href="javascript: radbut = rows['+i+'].getElementsByTagName(\'td\')[0].getElementsByTagName(\'input\')[1];radbut.checked = true;var selbox = rows[rows.length - 1].getElementsByTagName(\'select\')[0];selbox.options[2].selected = true; var confirm_booting = prompt(\''+message+'\'); if(confirm_booting){alert(\'Booting player as requested\'); doc.forms[0].submit(\'OK\');} else {alert(\'Good thing I included a confirmation huh?\');} void 0;">Give Player Teh Boot!</a></td>'; } if (doc.URL.match("screen=ally&mode=members")) { var rows = doc.getElementById("ally_content").getElementsByTagName("table")[0].getElementsByTagName("tr"); var Tribe = doc.getElementById("content_value").getElementsByTagName("h2")[0].firstChild.nodeValue; var output = 'The below players are being account sat\n\n\n'; var good = ' Of the below players, these players are adhering to the no outside sitters policy.\n\n'; var g = 0; var n = 0; var a = 0; var naughty = ' Of the players on this list, the following have outside sitters.\n\n'; var inactive = 'The following players are showing as inactive,\n\n\n'; var inactive2 = '2 or more days:\n'; var inactive7 = '7 or more days:\n'; for (i = 1; i < rows.length - 1; i++) { cell = rows.getElementsByTagName("td"); player = cell[0].getElementsByTagName('a')[0].firstChild.nodeValue; if (cell[0].getElementsByTagName("img")[0].getAttribute('src').match("yellow")) { inactive2 += "
[player]" + player + "[/player]"; add_dismiss("Player is only reporting YELLOW, are you absolutely sure?"); a++; } if (cell[0].getElementsByTagName("img")[0].getAttribute('src').match("red")) { inactive7 += "
[player]" + player + "[/player]"; add_dismiss("Player is RED, do you want to dismiss?"); a++; } if (cell[12].firstChild !== null) { sitter = cell[12].getElementsByTagName("a")[0].innerHTML; STribe = cell[12].getElementsByTagName('a')[0].getAttribute('alt'); if (Tribe == STribe) { good += "
[player]" + player + "[/player] is being sat by, [player]" + sitter + "[/player]" + "\n"; g++; } else if (Tribe !== STribe) { naughty += "
[player]" + player + "[/player] is being sat by, [player]" + sitter + "[/player], who is from
" + STribe + "
\n"; n++; } } } if (a == 0) { inactive = "\n\nYour tribe has 100% member activity"; } else { inactive = inactive + inactive2 + "\n\n" + inactive7; } if (g > 0) { good = good + "\n\n\n\n"; output = output + good; if (n > 0) { output = output + naughty; } } else if (n > 0) { output = output + naughty; } else { output = "There are currently no sat accounts"; } alert(output + inactive + "\n\nInformation valid as at " + curr_time + " - " + curr_date); } void(0);


Senior Supporter - Non sono Lion è LEON!
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non dovrebbe essere questo il problema ma prova a controllare bene...

Io l ho provato con Opera e funziona

non va nemmeno se copio da qui quello vecchio....

invece se lo prendo dal thread dei script permessi...mi va quindi credo che mentre lo copio agginge spazi o qualcosa e non funziona....

mettilo dentro questo come la...



javascript:   doc = (window.frames.length > 0) ? window.main.document : document;  curr_date = doc.getElementById("serverDate").firstChild.nodeValue;  curr_time = doc.getElementById("serverTime").firstChild.nodeValue;    function add_dismiss(message) {      rows[i].innerHTML += '<td><a href="javascript: radbut = rows['+i+'].getElementsByTagName(\'td\')[0].getElementsByTagName(\'input\')[1];radbut.checked = true;var selbox = rows[rows.length - 1].getElementsByTagName(\'select\')[0];selbox.options[2].selected = true; var confirm_booting = prompt(\''+message+'\'); if(confirm_booting){alert(\'Booting player as requested\'); doc.forms[0].submit(\'OK\');} else {alert(\'Good thing I included a confirmation huh?\');} void 0;">Give Player Teh Boot!</a></td>';  }  if (doc.URL.match("screen=ally&mode=members")) {      var rows = doc.getElementById("ally_content").getElementsByTagName("table")[0].getElementsByTagName("tr");      var Tribe = doc.getElementById("content_value").getElementsByTagName("h2")[0].firstChild.nodeValue;      var output = 'The below players are being account sat\n\n\n';      var good = ' Of the below players, these players are adhering to the no outside sitters policy.\n\n';      var g = 0;      var n = 0;      var a = 0;      var naughty = ' Of the players on this list, the following have outside sitters.\n\n';      var inactive = 'The following players are showing as inactive,\n\n\n';      var inactive2 = '2 or more days:\n';      var inactive7 = '7 or more days:\n';      for (i = 1; i < rows.length - 1; i++) {          cell = rows[i].getElementsByTagName("td");          player = cell[0].getElementsByTagName('a')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;          if (cell[0].getElementsByTagName("img")[0].getAttribute('src').match("yellow")) {              inactive2 += "[img]" + window.location.toString().split("game.php")[0] + image_base + "/dots/yellow.png[/img][player]" + player + "[/player]";              add_dismiss("Player is only reporting YELLOW, are you absolutely sure?");              a++;          }          if (cell[0].getElementsByTagName("img")[0].getAttribute('src').match("red")) {              inactive7 += "[img]" + window.location.toString().split("game.php")[0] + image_base + "/dots/red.png[/img][player]" + player + "[/player]";              add_dismiss("Player is RED, do you want to dismiss?");              a++;          }          if (cell[12].firstChild !== null) {              sitter = cell[12].getElementsByTagName("a")[0].innerHTML;              STribe = cell[12].getElementsByTagName('a')[0].getAttribute('alt');              if (Tribe == STribe) {                  good += "[img]" + window.location.toString().split("game.php")[0] + image_base + "/dots/blue.png[/img][player]" + player + "[/player] is being sat by, [player]" + sitter + "[/player]" + "\n";                  g++;              } else if (Tribe !== STribe) {                  naughty += "[img]" + window.location.toString().split("game.php")[0] + image_base + "/dots/blue.png[/img][player]" + player + "[/player] is being sat by, [player]" + sitter + "[/player], who is from [img]" + window.location.toString().split("game.php")[0] + image_base + "/dots/red.png[/img] " + STribe + " [img]" + window.location.toString().split("game.php")[0] + image_base + "/dots/red.png[/img]\n";                  n++;              }          }      }      if (a == 0) {          inactive = "\n\nYour tribe has 100% member activity";      } else {          inactive = inactive + inactive2 + "\n\n" + inactive7;      }      if (g > 0) {          good = good + "\n\n\n\n";          output = output + good;          if (n > 0) {              output = output + naughty;          }      } else if (n > 0) {          output = output + naughty;      } else {          output = "There are currently no sat accounts";      }      alert(output + inactive + "\n\nInformation valid as at " + curr_time + " - " + curr_date);  }  void(0);

Questo é quello che ho modificato io, a me funziona...

Ma scusa perché scrivi che lo script non ti funziona se dopo hai scritto che funziona??????? :D


Il pallino rosso ti viene fuori se nella trib ci sono dei player inattivi da 1 settimana, gialli inattivi da 2 giorni.


Senior Supporter - Non sono Lion è LEON!
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javascript:   doc = (window.frames.length > 0) ? window.main.document : document;  curr_date = doc.getElementById("serverDate").firstChild.nodeValue;  curr_time = doc.getElementById("serverTime").firstChild.nodeValue;    function add_dismiss(message) {      rows[i].innerHTML += '<td><a href="javascript: radbut = rows['+i+'].getElementsByTagName(\'td\')[0].getElementsByTagName(\'input\')[1];radbut.checked = true;var selbox = rows[rows.length - 1].getElementsByTagName(\'select\')[0];selbox.options[2].selected = true; var confirm_booting = prompt(\''+message+'\'); if(confirm_booting){alert(\'Booting player as requested\'); doc.forms[0].submit(\'OK\');} else {alert(\'Good thing I included a confirmation huh?\');} void 0;">Give Player Teh Boot!</a></td>';  }  if (doc.URL.match("screen=ally&mode=members")) {      var rows = doc.getElementById("ally_content").getElementsByTagName("table")[0].getElementsByTagName("tr");      var Tribe = doc.getElementById("content_value").getElementsByTagName("h2")[0].firstChild.nodeValue;      var output = 'The below players are being account sat\n\n\n';      var good = ' Of the below players, these players are adhering to the no outside sitters policy.\n\n';      var g = 0;      var n = 0;      var a = 0;      var naughty = ' Of the players on this list, the following have outside sitters.\n\n';      var inactive = 'The following players are showing as inactive,\n\n\n';      var inactive2 = '2 or more days:\n';      var inactive7 = '7 or more days:\n';      for (i = 1; i < rows.length - 1; i++) {          cell = rows[i].getElementsByTagName("td");          player = cell[0].getElementsByTagName('a')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;          if (cell[0].getElementsByTagName("img")[0].getAttribute('src').match("yellow")) {              inactive2 += "[img]" + window.location.toString().split("game.php")[0] + image_base + "/dots/yellow.png[/img][player]" + player + "[/player]";              add_dismiss("Player is only reporting YELLOW, are you absolutely sure?");              a++;          }          if (cell[0].getElementsByTagName("img")[0].getAttribute('src').match("red")) {              inactive7 += "[img]" + window.location.toString().split("game.php")[0] + image_base + "/dots/red.png[/img][player]" + player + "[/player]";              add_dismiss("Player is RED, do you want to dismiss?");              a++;          }          if (cell[12].firstChild !== null) {              sitter = cell[12].getElementsByTagName("a")[0].innerHTML;              STribe = cell[12].getElementsByTagName('a')[0].getAttribute('alt');              if (Tribe == STribe) {                  good += "[img]" + window.location.toString().split("game.php")[0] + image_base + "/dots/blue.png[/img][player]" + player + "[/player] is being sat by, [player]" + sitter + "[/player]" + "\n";                  g++;              } else if (Tribe !== STribe) {                  naughty += "[img]" + window.location.toString().split("game.php")[0] + image_base + "/dots/blue.png[/img][player]" + player + "[/player] is being sat by, [player]" + sitter + "[/player], who is from [img]" + window.location.toString().split("game.php")[0] + image_base + "/dots/red.png[/img] " + STribe + " [img]" + window.location.toString().split("game.php")[0] + image_base + "/dots/red.png[/img]\n";                  n++;              }          }      }      if (a == 0) {          inactive = "\n\nYour tribe has 100% member activity";      } else {          inactive = inactive + inactive2 + "\n\n" + inactive7;      }      if (g > 0) {          good = good + "\n\n\n\n";          output = output + good;          if (n > 0) {              output = output + naughty;          }      } else if (n > 0) {          output = output + naughty;      } else {          output = "There are currently no sat accounts";      }      alert(output + inactive + "\n\nInformation valid as at " + curr_time + " - " + curr_date);  }  void(0);

Questo é quello che ho modificato io, a me funziona...

Ma scusa perché scrivi che lo script non ti funziona se dopo hai scritto che funziona??????? :D

no no intendevo che mi funziona nel senso se ci clicco si attiva^^ quello vecchio...

ora questo mi va ma stesso problema....l'immagine dei pallini non esce....


no no intendevo che mi funziona nel senso se ci clicco si attiva^^ quello vecchio...

ora questo mi va ma stesso problema....l'immagine dei pallini non esce....

Ah questo é vero non esce nemmeno a me...

Ti esce una roba simile a questo?

The below players are being account sat

Of the players on this list, the following have outside sitters.

[player]gturk78[/player] is being sat by, [player]papa strumf[/player], who is from

[player]Sonny Ericsson[/player] is being sat by, [player]Ruler of you.[/player], who is from

[player].*nana*.[/player] is being sat by, [player]DreamTeam*[/player], who is from

Your tribe has 100% member activity

Information valid as at 20:23:49 - 11/10/2011

Ma le palline non si vedono, hai ragione scusa, vediamo adesso dove sta il problema


Senior Supporter - Non sono Lion è LEON!
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Ah questo é vero non esce nemmeno a me...

Ti esce una roba simile a questo?

The below players are being account sat

Of the players on this list, the following have outside sitters.

[player]gturk78[/player] is being sat by, [player]papa strumf[/player], who is from

[player]Sonny Ericsson[/player] is being sat by, [player]Ruler of you.[/player], who is from

[player].*nana*.[/player] is being sat by, [player]DreamTeam*[/player], who is from

Your tribe has 100% member activity

Information valid as at 20:23:49 - 11/10/2011

Ma le palline non si vedono, hai ragione scusa, vediamo adesso dove sta il problema

si si uguale^^

questo intendevo che non funziona^^

mi scuso per il doppio post ( non so se si può o meno) ma siccome non ho ricevuto aggiornamenti ne qui ne per PM che ho mandato....vorrei sapere se hai trovato il perche non va???
Ultima modifica di un moderatore:



ultimamente ho pocchissimo tempo, quindi voglio scusarmi per il ritardo.

Allora l unico script approvato dal .net é questo:

javascript:(window.main||self).$.getScript('http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25377948/twscripts/tribe_member_management.js',function(){var script=new ManageTribe();script.execute();});void(0);

Si va nei Membri della tribú e si clicca sullo script, questo ci mostra le statistiche ODA Stats, ODD Stats, Point Stats, Village Stats. é neccessario avere il Premium!

Altro script fin ora non é stato approvato dal .net quindi non posso farci niente, mi spiace. Ma anche questo puó essere utile.


Andram: aggiungilo nella Lista dei script permessi e cancella quello di player inattivi. Grazie
Ultima modifica di un moderatore:


Senior Supporter - Non sono Lion è LEON!
Team di supporto
Numero di reazioni

ultimamente ho pocchissimo tempo, quindi voglio scusarmi per il ritardo.

Allora l unico script approvato dal .net é questo:

javascript:(window.main||self).$.getScript('http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25377948/twscripts/tribe_member_management.js',function(){var script=new ManageTribe();script.execute();});void(0);

Si va nei Membri della tribú e si clicca sullo script, questo ci mostra le statistiche ODA Stats, ODD Stats, Point Stats, Village Stats. é neccessario avere il Premium!

Altro script fin ora non é stato approvato dal .net quindi non posso farci niente, mi spiace. Ma anche questo puó essere utile.


Andram: aggiungilo nella Lista dei script permessi e cancella quello di player inattivi. Grazie

ok ora vedo grazie comunque :)

a mettilo nel
 altrimenti non funziona :P
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