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EN - International World Tribes Tournament

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You believe your tribe is one of the best in the world, and believe you can prove it?
You're seeing the right announcement.

Over the years, in speed, what has been seen was mostly tournaments highly focused on speed players themselves. Now don't be scared, I know you don't care about speed, but that is not what this is about, this is about making a great tournament for world tribes to prove themselves - the idea of this is not to put the best players of speed to play against one another, there are barely any of them left. This is all about your tribe and proving that you are great (or just having fun and improving in general)
For now, this is a "draft", it is not a final plan, and I am hoping that you, as the players, will be able to help me craft a tournament that everyone can enjoy.

With this, we aim not only to be 100% transparent, but also to explain the logic behind some of the decisions regarding the stated settings/format. It does not mean they cannot be changed later.
(I've written a lot. I really do believe this could be one of the most fun things done in tribalwars in a while, so please, give it a chance and read it all.)

Format / How it works

- This tournament is, obviously, team-based.
- The number of members per tribe is to be discussed. Ideally, the number should be somewhere between 7 and 15 with some substitute players allowed in. Read the spoiler below to know more about the discussion (and take part in the discussion in the discord server, you'll find the invitelink below).

Less members per tribe:
- Better organization during the match (less confusing)
- More tribes can be made (even big world tribes with a lot of members could split themselves in multiple teams, of course they would play against each other during the tournament)
- Allows for teams to be "made from scratch" in an easier way than if there are a lot of members per tribe.

More members per tribe:
- May feel like a more "accurate" representation of the teams
- The matches may be a bit more luck based and more messy, but that may not be too bad because whichever team organizes themselves better takes the win. In smaller teams, it might be easier to organize the team (not that 7 members is too few people, but it definitely is less complex than 15).
- It might be less luck based than with fewer members per tribe. The less people per tribe there is, the more "stale" the game might become.
For example (and this example is flawed, because obviously a 2v2/3v3 is not the same as a 7v7) :
a 2v2, compared to a 3v3, is less competitive because it is predictable - generally one player goes defense, other player goes offense. Of course, there can be adaptations in the middle of it, but the trend is for it to be 50% deff 50% off in speed, this tournament, with different players, might prove me wrong, but we will see xD

- This tournament will NOT be played on specific settings - the settings are made BY THE PLAYERS :
- Each "match" consists of 2/3 games - The tribes play a team vs team match, in a private round, only accessible to those apart of the teams.
Each of the two first games are played on settings made by the teams of the match.

The tribes come up with their own preferred settings, and play against one another. If they are tied after the two matches, there is a third match, with random settings. The random settings are chosen like in this video, and then edited a little bit to make them more competitive (this edit may come from voting of the general public for some things, an agreement between the captains or if only some small adjustments are needed the admins will do the changes needed).
- The round length has to be between 1h30-3h30, and IT IS DECIDED BY THE STAFF taking into consideration the settings given by the players. If a tribe suggests some settings that would be bad for that length, we will have to change it / talk with the captain who suggested the settings to solve the problem.
Normally, the speed tournaments are all N1, basically made for good sprinters / speed players.
Like this, we encourage world players to try speed, to come up with their own preferred settings, and still to be able to outplay the enemy tribes in their own settings (this encourages tribes to see what each other tribe is doing when it comes to testing rounds for the tournament, and overall encourages activity and interest)
Also, by aiming at world players, as previously stated, we're aiming at people who are more used to playing as a tribe, and who are generally more used to playing together. This should also push players to want to play more and to be more hyped.
- The tournament follows a bracket system, with a losers bracket. This tournament is supposed to go on for some time (after all, it is supposed to be a competition to find out which tribe is the best)
- Any updates, discussions or anything else related to the tournament is to be done in the (unofficial) international discord server for speeds. I thought about creating a new server, but then the history of the rounds would not be saved, like this it will be. To join the discord server -> click here.

- Team compositions
To keep teams "balanced", we are not going to allow "pro player" teams to be made - these teams would be teams 100% formed of speed-only players (or just people that have played in previous international speed tournaments). A team can have a maximum of 1-2 (to be decided, and depending on the number of members per tribe) pro speed players.
World tribes that do not have any good speed player can look for speed players in the group. Or not, in the end, it shouldn't matter that much since the settings will not necessarily be "appeasing" to good speed players, typical good speed players are mostly good at sprinting / low starts, and that is for sure not the majority of what we're going to see xD
There can be exceptions. Keep reading.
- If one tribe, made of world players, also contains a lot of speed players, it most likely has to split into two. World tribes typically have a lot of people on them anyway, so there are more than just speed players on a world tribe, for sure. We may allow for there to be more than 1-2 pros in the tribe, depending on the case, but the rule should be followed, so no big deviations.
- People that wish to play, but have no tribe, should:
1- Look for people from your country. Noobs, good players, whatever it may be. Instead of making a "tribe" for worlds, you'd make a tribe to represent your own country (or a name you all fall under). Bring people in, make them be interested, learn together and make new friends, should honestly be quite fun.
2- If nothing else works, you can look for people in the discord group. Depending on the case, we may also allow you to have more than 1-2 good speed players, but there surely won't be many teams made like this. In any way, we'll be there to help.

Communication with the staff
If (hopefully) the tournament reaches the scale that we wish it to reach (and in any case), this is how the tournament is gonna work when it comes to communication / what is necessary:
- Each team has to have one captain. Ideally, someone that speaks english. If not, please be able to speak portuguese, french, or italian, i cant speak or understand anything else i cant do more than this ahahaha. So in the end, it is more of a "spokesperson" rather than a captain (obviously, if that is the case, do let me know, because the captain has to be in touch with what happens)
Any way, the objective is to have the captains of both teams be able to understand one another without anyone needing to translate or to help. But if it is necessary, we'll be there.
If you are a spokesperson/captain (or if you are interested idk) please read the spoiler below.

To organize the matches a chat will be made with the team captains on the discord server. There, they will discuss the time in which the round should be played, and they will give the settings to the admin so he can plan the rounds.
I've done this before in previous tournaments, and it honestly works pretty well, both for the players and for the admins. Direct and easy communication. PLEASE don't make it so i have to be running after you. The biggest problem in previous tournaments we've hosted was people disappearing. If people start to disappear i will just disqualify them, I don't have the patience for that. Everyone's here to have fun and people who are not interested should not join the tournament in the first place.

So, from each team, I need
- Player's names in the italian server + their discord name if they have one (they should, if they dont please teach them how to use it) (main server is .it, but not all rounds have to be there, could potentially be organized in other servers if needed)
- Who the captain/spokesperson are.

(we can make every tribe a chat and a voice chat in the group to make things easier, just let me know and i'll do it, we wanna make it feel like home as much as possible)


- As this is a special occasion, we will give free premium / account manager (account manager has farm assistant) for the official matches. This may not happen on practice rounds, be them tribe vs tribe or a tribe testing out their settings.
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This is a main topic, so I had to highlight it like that.
Scripts are a bit of a problem. I could come here and say "you have to follow our rules", but that wouldn't really be "being open to everyone".
I understand that different servers have different rules. But what I also do understand, is that we need to have a standard when it comes to scripts.
If some players are using scripts insanely better than others / others simply not using any script at all, the tournament becomes completely unbalanced.

Here's what we propose (we might be open to discussion in some things, but scripts are a bit more of a "stricter" thing, so it is hard to come here and make changes simply for this tournament):
- Every script/extension approved on .net is ok.
- There are servers like .de where tampermonkey is approved. We do not.
Things like those may be hard to coordinate, but we will do what we can so that everyone feels like they are able to play at their best, while ensuring the fairness of the game. I don't think tampermonkey is needed at all, and every necessary tool has some legal variation of it in .net. Once again, if i am proven wrong and I am open to discussion, we can consider everything, but as I already mentioned previously, what we can do is quite limited.

Now, those are the general rules.
These are our "additional rules"
- Every script the players use has to be known by the staff, so in practice, the staff has to know, before the rounds, which scripts a team is going to be using.
This would be done with every team having a chat where they "deposit" the scripts that they use, send the .net link of the topic, or in case it is not there, send the code of the script and we will verify if it is ok for use.
Even more ideally, all of the scripts, after they have been "approved", would be known by every single player. In my view, the best way to handle scripts would be to have a chat where all the scripts that all the tribes are going to use are sent (with a brief description of what they do), and like this the game is not about the scripts, and it is fully about strategy and playing better than other tribes, which in the end, is the real objective of this.
- Every script has to be used in the fast access bar, inside of the game. This rule is from the italian server, and it helps to avoid wrong bans, a lot.

We really do not want scripts to be a reason as to why people play or don't, the game is not about that. We will be available to help team captains with scripts, if they don't have much knowledge of them, and then they can pass on that knowledge to their team.
For now, I leave you guys two topics that will help you understand what we normally use / how we use it (topics in english).
>>Scripts typically used by speed players and how to set up your fast access bar inside of the game
>>Scripts to send multiple attacks in a short amount of time

All of this transparency and willingness to collaborate has to be from both sides, both us in the staff and you as the players. The sanctions are heavy, I would not risk breaking the rules.

Any ban can lead to the disqualification of a team from the tournament.

For any type of ban, the round continues, and the banned players can be unbanned if there is an appeal and it proves that the staff was wrong in banning. This won't happen very often, don't get your hopes up and risk cheating, it is not a good idea.
What causes bans in speed (most of the times):
- Multiaccount (1 player playing in 2 accounts, this is obviously not allowed)
- Using illegal scripts (don't think i need to add a description to this one)
- Using scripts outside of the in game fast access bar (read above if you have not)
- 2 players playing in 1 account (coplaying) *
- (i dont think this would necessarily happen, but it stays written here) Teams giving wins to other teams / teams conspiring in any way
This is a tournament. It is supposed to be competitive. If teams are intentionally losing it is most certainly not competitive.
(we will still consider what to do if someone uses a script that they did not declare they'd use, read above, but there is absolutely no reason for the teams to not declare what they are using)

* There may be exceptions to this. If a player's internet dies or has an emergency and has to leave we obviously should not penalize anyone because of this. In this case, one of the substitute players should be able to hop on the other player's account and continue to play the round, obviously mentioning this to the support team.

If we consider the offense to be big enough, the team can be disqualified.
After having typed all of this out and being extremely willing to clear out any doubts, there is no reason for anyone to cheat, so if there is an unjustifiable ban, it can (and most of the times will) lead to the exclusion of a team from the tournament.

Lets have a competitive, transparent and clean tournament. It is the only real way to find out which team is the best.

Unless something else happens, the ideal start date would be sometime after mid january. It is when i have more time, until then I have exams and cant really spend that much time on this.
This should give teams enough time to practice, get more into the competitive mood and hype eachother up to play.
Teams can also schedule practice matches against one another, just let me know and I can make you the round.

Team captains (or honestly, anyone that has read everything until here, I'm already surprised if anyone did lol), this one's for you.
- Keep your tribe active and interested. If the players start disappearing, you could be doing a better job.
- Keep transparency between members, to avoid any problems like some guy using some script that is illegal and then everyone being punished for it.
- Play speed rounds. Not every speed round requires you to have an insane amount of experience. The more rounds you play, the better prepared you will be for the potential tiebreaker speed round in the tournament, which could be of any settings. So play rounds, play with one another within the team, but also against each other to practice, and you'll be in good form.
- Start thinking of which type of round you are most comfortable with, so you have an idea of which type of round your team is going to want to play in the tournament. Take advantage of the fact that we are always open to making rounds with player-suggested settings at any time, so try to find common times with your teammates in when you can play and test different settings.
- Just like your team can, any team can do what I said above, so stay on the lookout for any player-suggested rounds, because those could be the settings of a round you end up playing in the tournament, or close to that. These rounds to test settings should all be public, so you can also join and try it out.
- Schedule practice matches against opponents. The more you play, especially with your team, in a team vs team setting, the better prepared you will be. Play in any sort of settings, because most of the times it is the tiebreaker round that will decide what happens in the best of 3 (will call it BO3 from now on)
- For the team vs team matches, consider having a "coach" - a player who is not playing the round and is just looking at the round statistics, both troops (you can see the total amount of troops in the round in the "world information") and points (you can always be looking at the points table to try to understand what your enemies are building)
- Try to "give the power" to 1-2 people, those people should be the ones saying which player goes offense / defense, what the general strategy is, etc. It is extremely hard to be playing and thinking about strategy from a team perspective at the same time, as a good speed player, I can tell you it is probably one of the hardest things in speed, so find out which members of your team are the best at this, because
- If everyone is speaking at the same time in the voice call (please, voice call, without voice call you will not be able to play the game) no one understands anyone. Keep things civilized, people can chill and talk randomly in some moments, but when things have to be serious in critical moments, everyone has to act seriously and pay attention to what is happening and what is being said.
- Have fun. I really do believe that coordinating people in general, and even just being apart of something like this, is insanely fun. You're learning more about the game with friends / people who end up becoming your friends and it is just great. Make it feel competitive, but not to the point where you'll kill people on your team if they play badly, just have fun, learn, and spend a great time in this game.


The greatest prize is bragging rights
i dont know about prizes honestly, what would even feel like a good enough prize? i think the best prize is the friends we make along the way here to be honest
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The speed community is completely dead. However, there are plenty of world players interested in the game, and on their own teammates. In speed, forming a big team is mostly about meeting other random players. In worlds, a lot of the tribes are fully premade and have their own discord server and do their own thing entirely, they all know each other and that should make players push each other to play together more than speed players would be able to, since hey don't have that "big connection".

Also, this comes from me talking to a tribe from the BR server and seeing that they have some interest in speed when it comes to just playing for fun / vs other tribes, so why not launch this in a worldwide scale? I believe it would genuinely be one of the coolest things ever done in tw.

Written by Duck - discord name duckquackie (feel free to message me if you have any doubts or something of that sort)
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