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Eventi Speed Concept : Monthly League

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I'm sorry for writing this topic in english and not translating it, but I really want everything here to be 100% understandable and clear.

This is a suggestion I have given on my own pt server like a year ago, but it was never taken into account (as usual) and while some servers don't take my ideas and just die out, others do and are able to grow :cool: :p
I've obviously made some changes to it meanwhile to keep it fresh.

To keep the server activity constant I've had the idea of making a recurring league, that would happen every month.
Each month, 5-10 rounds would be selected to be taken into account for the monthly league (i think there should be a limiting schedule as to when these rounds can be, lets say they can only be in the evening/beginning of the night, something like rounds starting from 17-22, at around that time people that work are getting home and those rounds are probably more played than rounds in any other time interval).

I think it would make sense to restrict which rounds can be taken into account too, for example the Nobili Ubriachi round, while it can be an unusual round with different settings which is always refreshing for players, is not exactly the most competitive round. Maybe things like Last Man Standing too, where you can simply be focused by 2-3 players and as everyone has the same amount of troops in the beginning and you can conquer only players, there isn't much you can do to outplay them.

Basically - There would be a set of rounds that can be apart of the monthly league.
After those rounds are selected, the settings are changed for it to be maximum 1 player per tribe / no tribes. This makes it overall more competitive - players will be competing for themselves for a leaderboard at the end of the month, doesn't make sense there being tribes (at least in my opinion).
If there are players colluding and purposefully playing together to ruin someone's game more measures can be taken, for example adding a farm limit to every round so that there are more outplay possibilities. I believe team tournaments can only be competitive in private rounds.

In the end of each round, points are attributed to the players who did the best on the round. This is my suggestion of how to attribute the points, but this can obviously be changed.

Point leaderboard
1st Place:
10 Points
2nd Place: 7 Points
3rd Place: 5 Points
4th Place: 3 Points
5th Place: 1 Point

Opponents defeated leaderboard
1st Place:
5 Points
2nd Place: 3 Points
3rd Place: 1 Point

With all of this, in the end of a month there would be a leaderboard with the players who did the best in the month's league rounds.
- With this, prizes can just be handed out to for example, 1st, 2nd and 3rd places, and that'd be it.

However, to make the community even more active and interested, I came up with other two possible outcomes to finish the monthly league (the three ideas can coexist, the main prizes can be handed out to 1st, 2nd and 3rd places as mentioned above, but these things below are also possible)

- Inside of the monthly leaderboard, 2 teams of 3 players would be made

Bold - Team 1 Underlined - Team 2

1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

4th Place
5th Place

6th Place

I think that this way would be a good way to balance it out, and often the players would be forced to play with players they never played before and that helps the community know eachother even better. These teams would fight against eachother on a private round.
The settings would either be
- Agreed on by both teams / Imposed by the moderators
- One round with one setting proposed by one team, other round with one setting proposed by the other team and one tiebreaker round if necessary with settings imposed by moderators

After this, the winners of the round or of the best of 3 would all split a prize.

The other possibility (could still happen if the one above happens) is as follows:
- The first and second place on the rankings (could be extended to 3-5 players if they're all active and easy to reach) of a said month would fight against the first and second place of the previous month. So lets say for example that on the first month the monthly league is applied (lets say June for example) these are the standings:

(June, month 1)
1st place - CC310
2nd place - Cthulhu

As this is the first month of the league, there are no winners of the previous month so this event can't be held. However, let's say that in the next month (July) the standings are as follows:

(July, month 2)
1st place - realessioVII
2nd place - lodi94

In this month, a private 2v2 round could be held between the first and second place of month 1 and the first and second of month 2.
The settings of the round would be chosen by the winners of month 2. Why? Because this isn't a simple month vs month thing.

This would be some sort of a "King of the hill" format - the players who win this 2v2 would go ahead to fight the 1st and 2nd place of month 3, so let's say for example CC310 and Cthulhu win this 2v2, they would go on to fight against the winners of month 3.
With this some sort of records could be saved, like "duo that held the throne for the longest", as it will require the players to be good playing at settings they might not be so familiar with.

Of course there would have to be some restrictions here
- If the players that got first and second in a month get first and second in the month after too, they would play against the 3rd and 4th place instead
- If one of the players that was in the top2 in the previous month is also apart of the top2 in the other month he can be given the option to choose if he wants to play the round with the teammate he had in the previous month and give the opportunity to the player who ended in 3rd to play in this duel instead, or he could choose to leave his former teammate and the teammate would be able to choose someone from the 3rd to the 5th place of the current monthly rankings for him to play with and keep his possible win streak going.

These are just ideas that can definitely be more developed and worked on, but I believe they are very nice and could all coexist to make a community here. If the private matches were to be played, they could be streamed on discord by the players so that newer players get to know how the players are playing and learn more about the game, or just even something more professional like a staff member using the administrator spectator mode and casting the round while live streaming with some delay or even just recording, going over possible strategies that could be on the players' minds and talking about the game (this was done before but not very developed, it was done once in a 1v1 tournament on the french server, you can find it here).
I think all of this could be very interesting, it would make the community interact with each other and would help players meet other players and learn with them.

Give me your feedback on this :p I think it is certainly a very interesting idea and, if put in practice with players interested on it, could be a good way to develop not only the italian server, but also an international speed community.
Thanks for reading!


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Very interesting ideas, at the moment we were already setting up a new type of tournament, let's collect your ideas and let's try to throw something out as soon as possible.
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Yep, i know it is a bit too long but I think this is the best sort of recurring tournament format possible so it definitely is worth the time to read :p


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The first and second place on the rankings (could be extended to 3-5 players if they're all active and easy to reach) of a said month would fight against the first and second place of the previous month. So lets say for example that on the first month the monthly league is applied (lets say June for example) these are the standings:
Sulla carta è molto carina come cosa ma in passato tutte le volte (circa) che abbiamo contattato players per sfide/spareggi e cose varie, o i giocatori non hanno trovato un accordo per scontrarsi o non si sono fatti trovare.. Oppure hanno preferito evitare il confronto.

Poi tentar non nuoce ma su questo punto sono dubbioso.
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Yep, I definitely understand that. However, if we are able to build an active community in my discord it may become easier to find the players, so maybe for the first months this concept would be better just to make a sort of monthly ranking of players and to then reward the best players, but if my attempts to build an active community work then maybe the other two ideas can be put into practice and would be very good to keep the community active.
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